Bloom Where You are Planted
Fall is my jam. Warm colors, crunchy leaves beneath my feet, sweaters, boots, pumpkin everything, apple picking, oh I could go on forever! It’s always been my favorite season.
But spring? Rain, mud, bugs returning. Meh. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good rainy day. There’s nothing better to me, except maybe fall. 🙂
The Lord has put this phrase, “Bloom where you are planted”, before me more than once this year. Actually, it all started last spring…even before then now that I really think about it. I was in Hobby Lobby one day, as one tends to do whenever humanly possible, and I came across this beautiful canvas that said, “Bloom where you are planted.”
Now, it was just a short time before this much needed shopping trip that both Eric and I lost our jobs. Forces beyond our control took away the opportunities we once pursued and prayed so much over. The whole reason we even moved to the South was because of this opportunity for Eric. Or so I thought. Isn’t it funny how quickly God can move you in a different direction?
Ummm, but Lord, I thought we were doing this thing here? We’ve been doing it for awhile and I mean, yeah, it’s been hard, but You’re still providing and helping us through itholycrapwebothlostourjobsatthesametimewhatareYoudoingGod? Ok, so I guess we’re going to do something different now. Not sure exactly what that is yet, but we trust You to provide for usandwowGodYoureallycamethroughinourtimeofneedwithtwonewjobsandaplacetoliveandgreatnewfriendsandcoworkers! Did you know that God doesn’t make mistakes? That’s right.
Sometimes, God uproots us and plants us exactly where we need to be.
And sometimes, the places we need to be are the places we’d never imagine we’d go. This is a hard reality to swallow. I’m not big on change. I like efficiency and once I figure out the best way to do something, I’m good. I’m set. I’m comfortable. This is the best way, why change?
Now, I come from a small town where you either leave and never come back or you have pretty much lived there your whole life. I, of course, never fell into either category. I didn’t hate my hometown, but I knew I probably wasn’t going to settle down there. I knew the Lord would plant me somewhere else. I was comfortable with that idea. That the Lord would place me somewhere else. I really thought that somewhere else was Fort Wayne, IN. And it was. For a time.
Bloom where you are planted.
This phrase has been on my mind lately. I think it’s because I’ve become a plant person. Blooming is what plants do. It’s what they’re suppose to do! But when something is planted, it takes TIME to acclimate, grow and thrive. It takes PATIENCE. Patience and time. Ugh. Is there anything harder in a new situation than having patience and letting time do its work?
Blooming where you are planted means trusting, waiting, but also, doing what you’re suppose to be doing. When I water my plants, I’m doing my part. When I move them into the sunlight, I’m doing my part. When I check them for damage and prune them, I’m doing my part. But guess what? Yep, they have to do things too. I don’t know what those are, because I don’t speak plant. I wish I did, then I could figure out why some of my plants keep dying. 🙁
So, when God uproots you and places you somewhere else, DO YOUR PART. Now, unfortunately this is easier said than done. I KNOW. When we first moved to Alabama, I wanted to get our house in order. That was my first priority. To get this huge house clean, bug free and make it feel like home. All the while, I was avoiding my looming work situation. I had a HUGE decision to make-should I drive an hour North to work in a different time zone? Or should I drive an hour South to work? Or…should I do what I’ve always wanted to do and work for myself? 🙂
I was paralyzed in fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of being uprooted again. I refused to bloom. I often let fear keep me from making decisions. After all, isn’t it better to not make a decision than to make a wrong one??? Ehhh. I’m not so sure anymore. Unfortunately, I still operate by this mentality sometimes, but God has been working on me to realize that there is ALWAYS grace. People are often more forgiving than you think. Everyone makes mistakes! EVERYONE. So, I prayed for God to show me what to do. To give me wisdom to make the most perfect choice for me. And boy, did He.
I don’t know if God has ever rolled His eyes, but sometimes I think the things I do bring Him to that point. “Lindsey, I’ve watered you. I’ve set you in the sun, I’ve protected you from harm. YOU’VE ACCLIMATED ENOUGH! GROW! THRIVE! TAKE UP WHAT I’VE GIVEN YOU AND GO!” Part of me thinks I’ll always be that extra cautious girl on the diving board peering over the edge a thousand times before I eventually walk back to the ladder and climb down to the ground. Terrible analogy because I don’t swim, but you get the idea.
I think these feelings of fear and anxiety are creeping back up because I have a new and exciting business opportunity I’ve been praying about. Retailing products in my spa! 🙂 Now, you’d think with two business degrees and 14+ years of sales experience I’d be totally ready and confident to jump into this next phase of my business. And I am, but…you fill in the blank. What’s my excuse? What’s your excuse?
What opportunity has God placed before you that you are just holding onto to? That you’re just staring at? You’re refusing to do your part. You’re refusing to bloom.
My dad told me something a few years ago that really stuck with me. It totally destroyed every single argument I had ever set up for protecting myself against taking risks. He said, “Sometimes God is waiting for YOU to take that leap of faith. You believe it and HE wants to see you live it.” I’m paraphrasing of course. I can’t even remember what I had for lunch last week, but that idea was so powerful and convicting. It made me realize how much of a coward I was! Hiding behind God, waiting for Him to smack me over the head with a sign and a full business plan. God doesn’t make mistakes. If you pray, which you always should, for wisdom, peace, etc. about a specific situation and there’s peace but no clear direction just yet, DO IT! The Bible says in Psalm 119:105 that, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” A lamp, not a spotlight. Not a well-lit room. A lamp.
Lamps are for concentrated lighting. To light up a small space for a specific task. Very rarely will God show us everything at once. I think most of the time He illuminates just enough of our path for our feet to move forward in faith. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Is this not one of the best passages in the whole Bible?? God’s Word illuminates our feet for the good works He’s planned for us to do! So let’s DO THEM!
Obviously, this is going to look different for everyone. Where has God placed you right now? Whether or not you want to be there, is not the point. He has you there for a specific reason, so GET TO WORK! BLOOM! GROW! Start the thing! One foot in front of the other. I’ve done it! I never would have imagined that I would be living one of my biggest dreams in a small town in Southern Alabama.
Bloom where you are planted. Such a beautiful idea. It tells me that God is in control. He put you where you are. He’s seen how things work out! And it’s very possible for you to thrive there. Even if you don’t know everything yet. He’s going to do what He’s suppose to do. You do what you’re suppose to do. Pray. Read His Word. Seek His face. Love and serve others. You’ll acclimate. You’ll grow. You’ll thrive. And He’ll be glorified, right? That’s the best part. 🙂
I pray you are blooming where God has you right now. If you need prayer, contact me, I would love to intercede on your behalf! God bless. 🙂
Of course I got the mug to match. I don’t play. 😉
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June 1, 2018 at 9:09 PMOf course you got the mug, waiting to see the tshirt❤️
Sherri Darrigan
June 2, 2018 at 7:35 AMI’m personally pleased that God planted you near me. My eyebrows are pleased too. God knew I needed a Lindsey in my life. Bless you sweet friend.
June 3, 2018 at 4:14 PMHaha!! Sherri, you always make me smile! 🙂 I am so blessed He brought us together too. 🙂