



Has anyone else been learning lately what’s really important to them? Like, what you really need in your life?

I have.

I wrote a post a couple of years ago before my 33rd birthday about what I had learned so far in my life. Core things. Important things.

As I was sitting in our new house this week, a little overwhelmed by all the boxes, laundry and newness, I started thinking simple.

I love simple, don’t you?

I thought about my daily routines and those things I most look forward to and really need in my life. Essentials.

I turn 35 this week and God poured out 35 essential things in my life to share with you. I highly encourage you to think about what is essential in your life and write it down. There’s something beautiful about seeing lessons learned over time by submitting your life to Christ, writing them out to remember and giving glory to God for His goodness.

So, here they are. Kind of in order of importance and then kind of not.

  1. My faith. Christianity. My relationship with God. Him and me. My faith really became my own in 2010. My faith isn’t a crutch to get by in life. It’s not a distraction from death. It’s the hope and belief that we are created with purpose and love and we get to share that purpose and love with others. Bringing hope and an opportunity for salvation one encounter at a time.
  2. My husband. My dream as a little girl was to grow up, fall in love and get married. Be a homemaker. Create a life of love with one person until death. Simple? Primitive? I don’t care.
  3. My family. Unconditional love. Memories. Stories. Home.
  4. My friends. Confidants. Day dates. Prayer partners. Family by choice.
  5. Sleep. My never get enough of, but I can do with less and still function friend. Going to bed early on Sundays ritual.
  6. A daily hot cup of tea. I don’t really know when my obsession with tea began. I feel like my day is not complete without my tea ritual. Favorite mug. Favorite tea. A too slow tea kettle. Honey. Bliss.
  7. Gratitude journaling. Writing down what I’m thankful for every single day. It’s always the little things too. Food. Shelter. Long walks.
  8. Singing praise songs. Usually the same ones over and over and over. It will change your atmosphere.
  9. Reading and meditating on God’s Word. Wanting to see it’s application in my life and to learn more about God and myself in the process.
  10. Praying for everyone and everything. Lifting up those I encounter in my life to the God who sees all, knows all and cares for all. It’s conversation. Usually about the same things, but He wants to hear from me. Period.
  11. Eating well. Eating healthy to take care of my body so I feel good. I’ve always liked healthy, whole foods, but I have become more knowledgeable and intentional about what I’m putting into my body.
  12. Making our bed every day. I feel more accomplished and I really get more done when I do this simple task in the morning.
  13. Getting outside every day. There was a time when I did not spend intentional time outdoors. We have a dog that loves being outside, so now I must be outside every day. It’s actually not that bad. Daily walks have been good for me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
  14. Moving cities. Moving states. Seeing new places and meeting new people. Starting over with just each other. Exploring. It’s brought me out of my comfort zone in many ways. It’s given me confidence to try new things.
  15. Working for myself. Being in charge. Making ALL the decisions. Overworking. Learning. Finding a work/life balance. One of my biggest goals in life was to work for myself. And I have! Letting go. Of plans. Of control. Of dreams. Of people. Of expectations. Releasing everything to the Lord and being content with what I have and when I have it.
  16. Being in the moment. Not taking that picture. Not watching the moment through my phone, but watching things and moments as they happen. Like 1995. There’s such power in a memory.
  17. Taking each day as it comes. Only thinking and living and planning for today. I’m a worrier and a planner, so this has been hard to stick to, but I enjoy each day so much more when it’s all I’m thinking about.
  18. Finding the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. This is truly essential. Done.
  19. Showing up. To whatever. You’d rather be at home, but you go anyway. And guess what? You have a GREAT time and make a new friend. The introvert in me LOVES to stay at home. Loves cancelled plans. But it is good to show up sometimes. It’s good for me.
  20. Throw away the scale. Trust me. My weight can change up to 5 pounds in a day. Why drive myself crazy?
  21. Wearing less makeup. Thank you 2020 for giving me a reason to do this. I couldn’t have done it without you. I see other women not wearing makeup and they honestly look amazing. I don’t think that about myself. I’m working on that though.
  22. Doing things that make you feel uncomfortable. Holding tiny babies, setting boundaries, telling people how you feel, walking away. Saying no.
  23. Meal planning and writing a grocery list. I’d be in trouble if I didn’t. 🙂 It can be stressful sometimes, but it’s always a good idea.
  24. Going TO church. A physical building with REAL people in person. You’re missing out if you don’t. People are messy. Christians are messy. We’re all messy.
  25. Buying a real plant, taking care of it and not killing it. We can do this. This is an adult milestone. Don’t start with succulents.
  26. Listening. No, really listening. Even if you don’t get to say a word. You can’t listen and speak at the same time.
  27. Hugs. Essential. Period. It’s science.
  28. Facials. Massages. Hair services. Can we all just agree now these are essential? Physical touch that transforms physically, mentally and emotionally.
  29. Something to do when you’re mind needs a break. My current obsession? Star Trek: The Next Generation. Yeah.
  30. Admitting you’re wrong and apologizing. Don’t be too proud.
  31. Doing the work. Whatever it is. No matter how simple or silly it is. Serve.
  32. Not being so hard on myself. No one expects more from me than me.
  33. Realizing that age is just a number. I honestly still feel 25, but I’m not. And guess what? It doesn’t matter how old I am.
  34. Stop trying to find fulfillment outside of your relationship with Jesus. That thing will never satisfy you. That person will never complete you. That purse, that car, that house? It’s a temporary high that will eventually become old and disappoint. I’ve learned to be content with Christ and when I’m tempted to fill the void with something else, I pray. I pray for fresh contentment and eyes to see how blessed I am.

This was quite a list! I had no idea I had so many essential things to be thankful for in my life.

What is something God has revealed as essential to you lately?

  1. Aunt Sandra

    July 1, 2020 at 2:57 PM

    Loved this so very much. God bless you!! What??? 35???? Love you both. Virtual hugs from Texas, Aunt Sandra

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