Friday Favorites
It’s Wednesday when I am writing this blog post and what a week it has been already!
A great week, but I am exhausted. I am sick and I am hardly ever sick! I get sick maybe once every 2 years. I am very blessed to have great health! So when I get sick, it reminds me how blessed I am and to be thankful for the little things…like breathing and talking.
I woke up Sunday with a sore throat and I just knew. It ALWAYS starts with a sore throat for me. I lost my voice Monday and today, the sinus issues started. This all wouldn’t be so bad, except my husband had surgery yesterday! Everything went well with his surgery and we are both starting to feel a little better. π I am so thankful for God’s hand over us in this whole situation.
I made some homemade chicken noodle soup last night for dinner, his favorite soup, and it really was so comforting to us both! Tonight we are having a chicken tetrazinni casserole my coworkers gave to me! How sweet and thoughtful is that?! I don’t think anyone has ever done that for me before. I love to cook for people and bring them meals, so it’s so nice to have it done for you. π
Something that I have been doing for the past few days is journaling! Now, as I’ve said before, I’m not much of a writer. I’d much rather talk about my feelings than write about them. BUT, I was given the most beautiful notebooks recently-one by my younger sister and another from one of my clients!
Both are very me I think.:) Isn’t it amazing when people just get you? I love giving gifts and sometimes I stress myself out because I put so much thought into it.
Anyways, here are the journals!
I have been using the mermaid journal, from my sister, to write what I am thankful for that day. I get up, eat my breakfast, pray and then I write down what I am thankful for before I read my Bible. What I write changes every day, but most days include thankfulness for hot tea, a good, healthy breakfast and my husband. π It’s good to think about the blessings in our lives and to thank God for them. Even if there’s a lot of bad things going on in your life, there is always something to be thankful for-even if it’s laundry, because it means you have clothes to wear! Most days I look around and say, “Lord, thank You for all this housework I have to do! I’m blessed!”
You should try it! If you’re not a writer, just speak it. Say what you’re thankful for out loud!:) It’s a good habit to get into. π
The other journal I received from a client. A client. Such a personal gift. She is always bringing me little things like chocolate, essential oils or homemade scrubs. π She is seriously the best. I have a special relationship with each of my clients-it’s one of the best parts of my job! This journal I love for several reasons:
- The quote on the front is exactly what I need in my life! More praying and less worrying. It comes from Philippians 4:6,7 which says,”
6Β Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.Β7Β And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
- It has a place inside for everything! A place to write out what you’re thankful for, prayer requests, the Bible verse of the day and even a goals and tasks section. I fill this out after I write down what I’m thankful for in my other journal. Then, I keep it by my Bible and if I think of something I need to write down, it’s right there!
I have found that for a busy body like me, it’s good to slow down and really take the time to be aware of my many blessings. It doesn’t take that much time to do these things and my attitude and spirit are much more joyful.
Here is the info to purchase one for yourself or as a gift! π
What are some some things you are thankful for this week?
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Melissa williams
May 5, 2018 at 6:55 PMI am thankful for you my beautiful niece and being able to read your inspirational words!β€
May 7, 2018 at 4:45 PMThank you Aunt Missy! Your support is greatly appreciated! π <3