My Testimony
Well, hello there. 🙂
Long time no see.
I can’t believe it is October tomorrow! 🙂
I love fall. We know this. But that’s not what this post is about though. It’s about something much more important.
My testimony.
Way back when the Lord started speaking to me about this blogging thing, this was one of the things He brought to my mind to talk about.
I’ve only shared my testimony publicly twice. Yeah, that seems a little crazy to me too. I filmed this video late last week and the Lord has already confirmed and encouraged me twice about it and that was just today!
I don’t really need to say anything else about this video, except that I hope it encourages you in whatever you’re going through. And that I hope it encourages you to share what God has done in your life.
Oh, and it’s kind of long. So grab a cup of tea or coffee if you’re into that. 😉
It’s also a little out of focus, because I don’t know what I’m doing. 🙂