Trying to Get Back
It’s been awhile.
5 months actually. So what’s been going on?
This guy has been going on…
For the very select few of you who don’t know, this is Kevin! 🙂 We brought Kevin home on January 1st of this year and we’ve been trying to figure out our new life ever since.
I’ve been trying to get back to the routines and way of life before this sweet boy, but that is just not going to happen. I’m not a huge fan of change and sometimes it takes me awhile to adjust and find my way in the new way.
January was probably the longest month of my life. Very little sleep. Very little resemblance to our old life just one month before. Certain things were put on the back burner for awhile and some things have yet to resume at all.
Having a puppy has taught me A LOT about myself and what I really want in this life. I know that sounds crazy, but if you really want to know who you are and what you’re made of, get a puppy. Seriously.
It’s been a lot of trial and error for me these past few months. Finding what I can do and when I can do it. Like today, I tried stretching again for the first time in MONTHS and Kevin was not having it. I need to figure out how I can start stretching again! But one thing Kevin has helped me with is getting outside more! Like everyday!
I’m not really a nature person. I LOVE nature, but I don’t like bugs. Take the bugs away and I’d be in nature a lot more. 🙂
I’ve really enjoyed getting out and taking Kevin on walks. I’m not a runner. I like to walk. It’s very calming and you see so many beautiful things. It makes me forget about things like the Internet.
This week I’ve tried really hard to enjoy each day as it comes. Not looking too much into tomorrow, but enjoying what I have to do for that day and seeing the blessings in it.
For example, for some reason, Kevin has been getting up and hour earlier EVERY.DAY. WHYYYYYYYYYYY? I thought about it and decided to get up with him and try some different things. Like taking him on an early morning walk. Eating breakfast outside. Not looking at my phone right away. Stretching. Well, trying to stretch. These things have definitely helped my mood and my mindset.
Although life will not return to what it was like before Kevin, WHY do we try and get back there? Because it’s familiar? Because the future is scary?
Maybe it’s because we are afraid of changing ourselves. Of who we have to be now and things we HAVE to do. It’s exhausting sometimes. Having to let go of who we were and the things we used to be able to do.
Embracing the new is hard. Can we just say that? It is. It’s awesome and exciting and a little disappointing sometimes.
But it’s good. It’s necessary.
Life will NEVER be without change. Ever.
Sometimes we choose these changes, sometimes these changes happen to us and sometimes, they are forced on us.
So even though my life will not be like it was before, I will choose to think about all the new things I have to be thankful for. And for the new person I am and who I am becoming.
Instead of trying to get back to what life used to be like, I’m going to embrace this season of change. One day at a time.
What are some changes you’ve experienced lately and what are you doing to embrace them?